Sunday, December 21, 2008

Hello everyone!

Hi everyone! Thank you for coming to our blog site. This is going to be a place where Rob and I are going to share our experience with adoption. To start I would like to share how our first visit went with our social worker. It went very well. We sat down and talked about preferences in a child we want, what we definitley did not want, what we will do about child care, how we will discipline, and the hours we are going to keep at work. I really liked our social worker, and believe that she is a good fit to help Rob and I get through this process. It is very trying and hard but in the end will be worth the roller coaster ride. I might as well get on, throw my hands up and scream with delight and take it for all it is worth because this is a once in a life time experience that is going to end up giving us what we want most in this world, a beautiful son or daughter. We could not be more excited about becoming parents. We have started painting the house and cleaning in preparation for a little bundle. This is going to be a short intro and we will keep everyone updated. Our visit on 1/7 has been changed, dates to be posted. We are also going to schedule the visit where she comes to the house soon too, that date will be posted when we know more. Thank you so much for sharing this experience with us. We will be sure to update! Erin and Rob

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